From Norway. Live and work in Verdal.

SvitHaseth is an artist duo consisting of the photographers Janne Amalie Svit and Merete Haseth. They both have a bachelor degree in fine art photography from Kent Institute of Art and Design in England. Since 2003 they have freelanced as photographers, run their own studios and taught photography. They meet at a Folk College in 1997 and became friends, and started SvitHaseth in 2017. The acclaimed editor of the online magazine “aCurator” Julie Grahame describes their work as «Nordic Dark».

About Laura: Inspired by the current events of the world, the artist duo SvitHaseth created the dystopic tale of Laura in 2017. In this imaginary, close future, we meet Laura, struggling to get by. Alone and living off the leftovers of a rich civilization. SvitHaseth has worked with the Nordic Dark as a visual mantra since starting their collaboration in 2013. Laura is their first work with political undertones. The harsh political climate and environmental issues the world is facing are themes that the artists wanted to address in this series.

At the same time keeping the cinematic and poetic feel to the images hopefully giving the viewer a sense of beauty and hope. Laura is hopefully a wake-up call. We need to love and respect each other and Mother Earth to survive. Magical realism and dystopic literature and films have been an important inspiration for the project. Haruki Murakami and David Lynch seem important to give credit to. Laura was created on sight for their solo exhibition at Levanger Kunstforening Spring 2017 and consists of 19 photographs and a short novel.