From Italy. Lives and works in Ferrara.

Marco Marzocchi (b. 1974) in Ferrera, Italy. Marco likes to use every film format, every medium and support, and mix them together. This practice gives him the real feeling to tell his stories. He likes to think there aren’t boundaries in this and he likes to create questions despite answers. Marco likes to suggest through his works rather than tell. His works are metaphors to move through past present and unknown future. Analog photography gives the chance to have errors by his side and let these to become his personal reference and own style in photography.

 Made over the course of 10 years, Oyster is a visual diary compiled by Marzocchi as a way to uncover clues 
in understanding his absent parents. 
At times bordering on frustration and violence, his images express his search for a ‘culprit’, 
a cause for his dysfunctional childhood environment.
 Using archival and original imagery, the artist ransacks the past to build a presence in a process of forgiving and letting go, 
as a search to find love and healing. “This work represents my experience in recovering and understanding my parents, their life and relationship towards myself. 
I never knew them well because they split when I was 6 years old, and they both died young.
 Drugs, addictions, jail and dysfunctional environment, these were constant elements.
 This work is focused on dealing with and replacing all the doubts and fears that I had. Exorcising the pain and searching for love.” Marco Marzocchi