Lives and works in Netherlands

Analogue history

In a world full of digital impulses, Henri Blommers and his family drift away from the physical world. During the making of this project Blommers drifted away also personally from his family. A period of chaos, drifting away, finding it difficult to deal with the populist, consumerist, toxifying world he found himself in.


Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Berlin 2017 from the series Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Alleen from the series Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Winter from the series Analogue history by Henri Blommers
Alleen contact from the series Analogue History by Henri Blommers
Analogue History by Henri Blommers