From  in the United States. Lives and works Austin.

Captivating, Not Captive

To see beauty is to know love but, while the apprehension of beauty is through the eye, it is through the lens’s’ marriage of light and beauty that the psyche is truly captivated. Light mediates the relationship between physical and intellectual reason, an elegant analogy between enlightenment and illumination, between physical and intellectual vision. We’ve always delivered fire. We’ve always deified light. Plotinus saw a world awash in divine light, infusing matter with spiritual forms. Heraclitus exalted fire as the first principle. Denise Prince sees beauty beyond the veil of ego. Beauty radiates fully formed from Prince’s subjects, infused with divine light as aesthetic objects. It is eyesight on fire, threatening to seer [sic] into one’s soul if one looks directly, scarred by the light of reason and the light of the sun. The dilemma, ought we see, is anamnesis or amnesia. If we perceive beauty it induces anamnesis, a memory of a terrific encounter with the Real, a meaningless traumatic hole. Then one must choose: either captive to trauma or captivated by beauty. If one is captive then one remembers only the anxiety of that esoteric encounter with the Real; but, if one is captivated then one is driven by the desire to know and love, to recollect, to recover Prince’s revelation. Charles Merward, a clinical philosopher and psychoanalyst.

I also shine when I_m dancing from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
They might overlook everything else because my lipstick wasn’t right from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
I want people to look through my spacticity and through my chair and through my drooling... from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
You’re rejecting part of who you are and I’m not that way from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
Even in the public. I go out of there I play the dancing with her... from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
You don’t got to tip toe around me because I ain’t gonna tiptoe around from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince you
The question becomes, what is your own self worth from the series Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince
Captivating, Not Captive by Denise Prince