Nordic Village Seminar

23aug4:00 pm6:00 pmNordic Village Seminar

Event Details

What makes Nordic photography special?
How do the photographers experience and reflect the world in their art?

Helsinki Photo Festival presents the personal stories of leading photographers from three Nordic countries, finalists of the Nordic Village open call 2018:

Sebastian Sardi (Sweden)

Stig Marlon Weston (Norway)
Kalle Kataila (Finland)

The seminar is open to all photo enthusiasts and is free of charge.

August 23 from 16:00 – 18:00

The Nordic Village seminar is supported by the Norwegian Embassy and the Swedish Embassy in Helsinki. The Nordic Village exhibition with open call finalists 2019 of the theme Anarchy is open during Nordic Library working hours until August, 27.



Helsinki Photo Festival

Helsinki Photo Festival ry is a cultural non-profit association created to attract interest and disseminate information on photography and visual media in Finland and abroad.

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